2024 Album " Suicide Pact Of Gods"

Links to some streaming plattforms :

Press release - Deutsch
Press release - Suicide Pact Of God-DE.p
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 171.9 KB
Press release - english
Press release - Suicide Pact Of God-EN.p
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 150.2 KB

2023 Album " Alien's Pitch Of The Century"

Press release - english
Press release Alien's Pitch Of The Centu
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 103.4 KB
Pressemitteilung - Deutsch
Pressemitteilung Alien's Pitch Of The Ce
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 105.8 KB

2022 Album " RED"




1. Extermination

2. Darksun (feat. Björn Finkler)

3. Breakpoint

4. Head over Heart


5. Dreaming a nightmare

6. Raise your voice (feat. Elise Nunes)


7. The night train (feat. Thorsten Bertermann)


8. ZiviliZation




released 2022